Lara Bozabalian, Artist/Mother – Life 2.0

The Shimmering Verge

Image result for the shimmering verge molly peacockNext up, I will be performing in a revival of Molly Peacock‘s incredible one woman show, ‘The Simmering Verge‘ (called ‘stunning’ by the New York Times). The Shimmering Verge juxtaposes verse and prose in an exploration of the fine line between metaphor and reality, in life and in art. Molly says, “Like stones into a ring, the poems are set among stories, confidences, little elucidations—funny, wry, sexy, sad, and shocking.” From love, sex and marriage to loss, death and spirituality, the play uncovers the poetry in everyday life.

Image result for doyali islamDirected by the masterful Karthy Chin, reimagined by Madeline Brown, and book ended by Michael FraserDoyali I., Anne Micheals, Tanya NeumeyerLuke ReeceSachiko Murakami and myself. I’ll be on stage April 13. Image result for michael. fraser poetImage result for anne michaelsImage result for luke reese poet


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