Lara Bozabalian, Artist/Mother – Life 2.0

Media & Awards



Lara Bozabalian
was named Best Poet in both
2014 & 2015 at the NOW Magazine Best of Toronto Awards


Hot Docs International Film Festival – Best Writing Award

CROWD THE SCHOOLHOUSE: a short doc about Toronto’s Evergreen Brickworks (Made in Toronto Productions) set to my original poetry, which premiered at the 2012 Hot Docs International Film Festival. We were selected as a top 12 global finalist in the International Documentary Challenge, and walked away with awards for Best Writing and Best Use of Genre (Social Commentary/Political). Thanks to Made in Toronto Productions for the opportunity and collaboration.




Main Stage – Words Aloud 9

Durham Art Gallery, Durham, Ontario, Canada, November 3, 2012.


TEDx – Passion, Purpose, Perspective

In November of 2011, I was honoured to feature at TEDxIB Toronto, and especially because it was held at The York School, an innovative powerhouse in the world of secondary education.


Art Bar Poetry Series

Click here for a listen to my feature and subsequent interview (12:48) at Canada’s longest running poetry series… One of the most honest parts of public profession is that there are always artefacts of your endeavour; I hope you enjoy this one.


Toronto Poetry Project @ The Drake Hotel

One of my very first spoken word performances, at the Toronto Poetry Slam (organized by Toronto Poetry Project, a collective I helped found and have been a part of for the last eleven years). Check out the slam if you are in the area, and get there early.. proud to say we still sell out before showtime, every time. 🙂


0 thoughts on “Media & Awards

  1. Pam Gross Barnsley

    Hola Lara,
    I just watched the u-tube video of your performance (“don’t you just want to run around at recess”) and it’s wonderful. Wow. I have not seen you in many years, since you so impressed me with your instinctive musicality and poetry at the Whistler Writers Group, but I’m thrilled to see how your poetry has grown. All the best for the upcoming Slam,

  2. laraboz

    Thank you so much, Pam. I also just got back in touch with Lisa Richardson, and plan to make my way through Whistler in late October. I’d love to drop in on the group and see everyone. I’ve been keeping up with the Writers Festival, and it seems like things are going amazingly well (Joseph Boyden!) ~ Congrats!! Take care, Lara

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