Lara Bozabalian, Artist/Mother – Life 2.0

Up & Coming…

It has been a whirlwind of a season, and I am so glad to say it has also been a fruitful one. I had an incredible experience travelling to Ireland for the Shorelines & Clifton Literary Festivals, as well as leading poetry and writing workshops with high school students at Portumna Community School. I am also on the homestretch of a new manuscript and, in the next few months, several poems from the collection will be appearing in ARC Poetry Magazine, The Antigonish Review, Queen’s Quarterly and Contemporary Verse 2… I also completed work on a spoken word project, whose details are soon to be released by Brick Books… and on February 13th, I’ll be appearing at The League of Canadian Poets event, “Poetry in Union,” at Toronto’s Union Station. This event (based on the success of the The Poet Is In event, which takes place annually in New York City) works to make poetry accessible and interactive. I’ll be sharing new work, as well as poems from both Tourist and The Cartographer’s Skin.

Back to work. Thanks for listening, LB


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